Private Server Super Mechs


Instantly install the latest Mech & Magic server pack with little effort. No need to upload anything or mess with files to get your game started. Use the Twitch Launcher to connect and play. Install Mech & Magic to your server. Start your new server. Install the same version of Mech & Magic to your Twitch Launcher.

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Super Mechs Hacked is an incredible strategic game, where you can create your inviscible super warrior robot and battle against your friends or other players from around the world in real time.How to play the game Super Mechs Hacked.

Use your mech robot and try to dominate your opponents, in order to boost your performance in the game. You have to build the perfect warrior and climb the rank ladder. It’s important to use a number of tactics and tame turns by attacking your enemies. Keep in mind that you need to upgrade your super mech warrior in a regular basis in the work shop with more advanced weapons, as to have the chance to progress in the game. Go into the huge store, where you can find a big variety of different boosters and other great parts. While trying to complete all the 10 levels of your game, you have take part in various attacks.

Private server super mechs minecraftMission of the Super Mechs Hacked game.

The basic concept of this fighting game is to build the best machine you can buy battling foes and earning currency, in order to buy weapons and all the extras you need, as move on. Your mission in online Super Mechs Hacked is to destroy your enemy’s warriors in one on one, by using the best tactics you can. After you have completed a fight, you can actually buy a number of upgrades, such as new weapons.

Private Server Super Mechs 1

Points & Upgrades.

In this Super Mechs Hacked combat game you have 2 action points, each trun it’s your time to attack. You need to remember that every action you perform in the game consumes one action point. The whole game is in 2D side-scrolling, as the camera moves as your own mech warrior moves towards his enemy. You have to defeat your opponent and make time reach 0 HP. The winner takes experience points, which are called ‘SM’. For example, you can use up your SM in order to buy weapons in the workshop. The more you play, the better you become and the better your mech gets.

Difficult Tasks.

After you have reached the level 10, which is not an easy task, you can also use another kind of currency. This one is called “Platinum” and you can earn it by winning against other players. Platinum offers you the opportunity to buy more advanced upgrades, as to improve your robot in the battle. You need to remember also that some parts can be really expensive and you can’t earn them so easily. This is actually the most difficult part of the Super Mechs Hacked game, because in order to get the currency you need, you have to get involved in many battles. So, take your time and enjoy the game!

Private Server Super Mechs Minecraft

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Super Mechs Private Server Download

Agario game is a modification of the private server. We created this unblocked server for fans who love to play agario. We added some features like leaderboard with the screenshots, so other players can see your achievements. Keep in mind that leaderboard stats updates every 24 hours, so if you want to see the name there, you should achieve cool records every day. One of the most powerful of our features is that you can create own skins! Just create an account on and upload your cool skin! Game mechanics is different compare to We tried to make the game more dynamic, so your movement speed is increased and food mass increased. Now you can become a big cell in 60 seconds. But you should be careful because you lose mass also totally fast.

Private Server Super Mechs 2


Private Server Super Mechs 3

You can play 2 game modes, Giant and FFA. Giant mode configured at high rates and FFA mode is a classic mode similar to Controlling your cell is pretty simple, just move your mouse. Also, there are active buttons “W” and Space. W – allows you to eject mass, in this way to can find a friend, give somebody mass and if he gives you mass back seems you can cooperate to kill someone else. Also, you can feed Virus (green cell) after 10 cell viruses will explode and split any player if touched. Then you can easily eat this player. If you press Space, you sell divide into 2 smaller cells, this method is useful when you see small cell and this player run away from you. When the player in front of you just press Space.