Last Updated: 6/18/2021
I have to set up a MacBook Pro fairly often - when starting a new job and when buying a new personal computer. I created this article back in 2015 when I got my first Mac and have been updating it ever since with whatever I need as my job evolves. I'm primarily a full-stack web developer, so most of my needs will revolve around JavaScript/Node.js.
Chances are, your Mac can run macOS Big Sur. The following models are supported: MacBook (2015 or later) MacBook Air (2013 or later) MacBook Pro (Late 2013 or later) Mac mini (2014 or later) iMac (2014 or later) iMac Pro (2017 or later) Mac Pro (2013 or later) To see which model you have, click the Apple icon in your menu bar and choose About.
- Apple has released security updates to both macOS Mojave and macOS Catalina. The updates come on the same day that the company released macOS Big Sur 11.5. Earlier today, Apple released macOS Big Sur 11.5 to the public. In addition, the company has released some important security updates for users.
- For more information, see the security implications documentation for additional detail on what to keep in mind in this scenario. Install GitLab Runner as a service and start it: cd gitlab-runner install gitlab-runner start. GitLab Runner is installed and will be run after a system reboot.
Getting Started
The setup assistant will launch once you turn the computer on. Enter your language, time zone, Apple ID, and so on. The first thing you should do is update macOS to get the latest security updates and patches.
Install the Homebrew package manager. This will allow you to install almost any app from the command line.
Make sure everything is up to date.
Install Apps
Here are some the programs I always install.
Don't install Node.js through Homebrew. Use nvm (below).
Program | Purpose |
Visual Studio Code | text editor |
Google Chrome | web browser |
Firefox | web browser |
Rectangle | window resizing |
iTerm2 | terminal |
Docker | development |
Slack | communication |
Spotify | music |
Postgres | database |
Postico | database UI |
Postman | API tool |
How To Update Git On Mac
Catalina comes with zsh as the default shell. Install Oh My Zsh for sensible defaults.
Use Node Version Manager (nvm) to install Node.js. This allows you to easily switch between Node versions, which is essential.
Install the latest version.
Restart terminal and run the final command.
Confirm that you are using the latest version of Node and npm.
For later, here's how to update nvm.
Change version
Here's how to switch to another version and use it.
And to set the default:
The first thing you should do with Git is set your global configuration.
Input your config and create some aliases.
With the above aliases, I can run git s
instead of git status
, for example. The less I have to type, the happier I am.
Simplify the process of SSHing into other boxes. Create an SSH config file.
Add the following contents, changing the variables for any hosts that you connect to. Using the below will be the same as running ssh -i ~/.ssh/key.pem
Now just run the alias to connect.
Generate SSH key
You can generate an SSH key to distribute.
Add key.
I don't like a lot of the Apple defaults so here are the things I always change.
To get the Home folder in the finder, press CMD + SHIFT + H
and drag the home folder to the sidebar.
- Set Dark mode
- Make Google Chrome default browser
- Automatically hide and show Dock
- Show indicators for open applications
- Key Repeat -> Fast
- Delay Until Repeat -> Short
- Disable 'Correct spelling automatically'
- Disable 'Capitalize words automatically'
- Disable 'Add period with double-space'
- Disable 'Use smart quotes and dashes'
Security and Privacy
- Allow apps downloaded from App Store and identified developers
- Turn FileVault On (makes sure SSD is securely encrypted)
- Turn Firewall On (extra security measure)
- Change computer name
- Make sure all file sharing is disabled
Users & Groups
- Add 'Rectangle' to Login items
A few more commands to change some defaults.
Application Settings
- Install uBlock Origin
- Install React DevTools
- Install Redux DevTools
- Install JSONView
- Install Duplicate Tab Shortcut
- Settings -> Set theme to 'Dark'
Visual Studio Code
Update Git Mac Catalina 2020
- Press
and click 'Install code command in PATH'. - Install New Moon Theme
- Install GitLens
- Install Highlight Matching Tag
- Install ESLint
- Install Prettier
- Install Jest
- Install Jest Runner
Keyboard Shortcuts
- Copy Line Down -
- Delete Line -
- Format Document -
- Make sure 'selectNextSuggestion' and 'selectPrevSuggestion' are not set to up and down arrows, to allow ease of navigating files
- Copy Line Down -
- Full Screen:
(prevents messing with other commands) - Left Half:
- Right Half:
- Set tab to open in same location
That sums it up for my current preferences on setting up a MacBook Pro. I hope it helped speed up your process or gave you ideas for the next time you're setting one up.
We all know that it’s important to “stay patched, so you stay secure.” But macOS is making that a bit harder these days. Apple really wants you to upgrade to macOS Big Sur, but if you’re not ready for that big jump, it may be hard to notice that you have macOS Catalina and Safari updates to apply.
macOS Big Sur is a huge change and it’s usually a good idea to let the bleeding edge folks work out the kinks. It’s also not a bad idea to wait for Apple to make at least its first update before jumping on the new hotness. You may have applications that are not yet macOS Big Sur-compatible so be cautious with a big upgrade like this. I’m not a proponent of waiting a long time to upgrade to the latest OS but caution, especially on such a big change, is definitely warranted. While you’re waiting for the OS to stabilize, you want to keep macOS Catalina up to date, but Apple makes it difficult to see just how to do that.
How To Install Git On Mac Catalina
While you’re still on macOS Catalina, if you open System Preferences and select Software Update, you’ll see the icon for macOS Big Sur with an obvious “Upgrade Now” button. But we don’t want to upgrade to macOS Big Sur just yet.
Update Git Mac Catalina Os
When I took the screenshot for this post, I actually had updates to macOS Catalina and Safari waiting for me, but it sure wasn’t obvious they were there.
Under the icon for macOS Big Sur, there was some smaller text that said, “Other updates are available” and blue link text that said “More info…”
Click on that tiny More info link to reveal the updates you really need to apply. In my example, I had macOS Catalina 10.15.7 Supplemental Update waiting, and the notes below clearly say that this update “improves the security of macOS.” There was also a Safari update to 14.0.1 which had some speed enhancements but also security fixes, including the removal of support for Adobe Flash. You really want this update!
After you apply any Safari or macOS Catalina updates, the Software Update Preference Pane will still say “More info…” As shown below:
But if you click the link now, it will take you to the Apple web page telling you about all the awesome features of macOS Big Sur. I presume this “More info…” link will change back to showing you security updates for macOS Catalina and Safari when new ones are available, so you’ll have to be vigilant and pay attention in looking for the updates.
What Is The Latest Update For Macos Catalina
I don’t like that Apple has made it so undiscoverable that security updates are awaiting us. I would really prefer that they had made two equally-obvious buttons, one to upgrade to macOS Big Sur and one to update macOS Catalina and Safari. They’re doing a disservice to the community by making it this hidden. As I said up front, I’m a big proponent of getting on a new OS when it’s practical to do so, but it is the user’s decision when to do it and shouldn’t be tricked into what could be a catastrophic upgrade.
Since you’re probably the family nerd if you’re reading or hearing this, please pass this post along to your friends and family so they stay patched so they stay secure.